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Globalization and Contemporary Socio-Cultural Processes in Armenia: Problems and Perspectives

Wed, 10/18/2023 - 09:00 to Fri, 10/20/2023 - 18:00

The Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of the Republic of Armenia is organizing a conference on October 18–20, 2023, on the topic "Globalization and Contemporary Socio-Cultural Processes in Armenia: Problems and Perspectives". The goal of the conference is to address Armenia's current socio-economic and ethno-demographic challenges, including issues with emigration and refugees, social stratification and poverty, marriages, changes in family and intra-family relationships, new manifestations of traditional and modern Armenian festive and professional culture, language, religious behavior and identity, and diaspora-related issues and potential returns in relation to the advancement of Armenia's intellectual and scientific capabilities.

The conference will be held both in person and remotely.

To participate in the conference, please email your abstracts to by September 25, 2023. Applicants will be informed about accepted applications by October 10. The abstracts will be published online before the conference, and the reports will be published as articles in a separate collection by April 1, 2024.

Criteria for Abstracts. The abstract must include 250-300 words in three languages: Armenian, English, and Russian. Times New Roman for English and Russian; Sylfaen for Armenian. 6-8 key words. Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides. Font size: 12. Line spacing: 1.5.

The title of the report must be written in capital letters at the beginning of the abstract in the center of the page, followed by key words. The name and surname of the author, academic degree and title, affiliation, position, email address, and the form of participation (in person or remotely) must be indicated below in the right.

For more information, please email Lusine Angelush at, or call +37498913314.

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